Roper Rhodes Retail

Why Your Customers Want a Concealed Cistern Fitted More Than Ever Before

Over the last decade, con­cealed cis­tern instal­la­tions amongst British installers have grown in pop­u­lar­i­ty at an unprece­dent­ed rate. A con­cealed cis­tern, also known as a hid­den cis­tern, involves hid­ing the toi­let cis­tern behind a wall or with­in a cab­i­net, leav­ing only the toi­let frame, the flush plate, and the flush but­ton vis­i­ble. The pneu­mat­ic flush valve plays a cru­cial role in the func­tion­al­i­ty of con­cealed cis­terns by ensur­ing effi­cient and reli­able flushing.

As peo­ple are con­tin­u­al­ly look­ing for ways to enhance the func­tion­al­i­ty and aes­thet­ics of their bath­rooms, con­cealed cis­terns are becom­ing the go-to choice for end users look­ing to modernise.

In this arti­cle, we aim to ful­ly explore the ben­e­fits of con­cealed cis­terns and just why you’re being asked to install them more than ever before.

The Rise of Con­cealed Cisterns

In recent years, con­cealed cis­terns have surged in pop­u­lar­i­ty, dri­ven by the grow­ing demand for min­i­mal­ist bath­room décor. Home­own­ers are increas­ing­ly opt­ing for sleek, mod­ern designs that cre­ate a sense of open­ness and space. Con­cealed cis­terns, hid­den behind a wall or with­in a toi­let fur­ni­ture unit, offer a clut­ter-free solu­tion that per­fect­ly com­ple­ments this aes­thet­ic. Tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments have made these cis­terns more effi­cient, reli­able, and eas­i­er to install, mak­ing them a pre­ferred choice for many home­own­ers look­ing to mod­ern­ize their bathrooms.

Space-Sav­ing Capabilities

One of the key rea­sons end users are turn­ing to these forms of cis­terns is due to their com­pact design. The hid­den con­cealed cis­tern unit is ide­al for small bath­rooms, cloak­rooms, or en-suite rooms where space is at a pre­mi­um. By con­ceal­ing the cis­tern with­in the wall or a slim­line cab­i­net, valu­able floor space is saved, mak­ing the bath­room feel more open and less cluttered.

The wall hung toi­let frame also helps to cre­ate the illu­sion of more space, as the back to wall toi­let pan appears to float above the floor. This makes clean­ing beneath the toi­let much easier.


Con­cealed cis­terns enhance the over­all appear­ance of both mod­ern and tra­di­tion­al bath­rooms. This is due to the fact the cis­tern and flush pipe are hid­den, allow­ing cus­tomers to achieve a clean and stream­lined look that is both func­tion­al and visu­al­ly appeal­ing. This min­i­mal­ist style match­es a vari­ety of bath­room designs and can be tai­lored to suit a wide range of tastes and prac­ti­cal requirements.

The flush plate or push but­ton toi­let cis­tern, for exam­ple, can be cho­sen in a range of fin­ish­es, mate­ri­als, and designs. Addi­tion­al­ly, since the cis­tern is hid­den with­in a wall or fur­ni­ture unit, this can be eas­i­ly accessed for main­te­nance. One of the avail­able options is a chrome flush button.

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Hygiene & Maintenance

With the cis­tern con­cealed and the toi­let pan sus­pend­ed above the floor, it is much eas­i­er for your cus­tomers to clean the entire area around and beneath the toi­let- allow­ing for a much more hygien­ic bath­room set-up. 

Main­te­nance is sim­ple as the unit can be accessed through the flush plate for any nec­es­sary repairs, adjust­ments or qual­i­ty checks. This means tiles don’t need to be removed or areas of the bath­room dis­man­tled to access the con­cealed cis­tern. The wall hung toi­let frame is also designed to sup­port the weight of the toi­let pan and user, mak­ing it a durable and long-last­ing solution.

Water Effi­cien­cy and Noise Reduction

Con­cealed cis­terns are designed with water effi­cien­cy in mind, fea­tur­ing dual flush options that allow users to choose between a full or par­tial flush. This not only con­serves water but also reduces the noise asso­ci­at­ed with tra­di­tion­al toi­let flush­ing sys­tems. The use of advanced mate­ri­als like vit­re­ous chi­na and top actu­a­tion tech­nol­o­gy fur­ther con­tributes to noise reduc­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, the com­pact design of con­cealed cis­terns reduces the amount of water required for flush­ing, mak­ing them an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly option for any bathroom.

Con­cealed Cis­terns Add Value

A well-designed, mod­ern, qual­i­ty bath­room is high­ly desir­able to poten­tial buy­ers, and the com­pact design of con­cealed cis­terns, along with the sleek, min­i­mal­ist appear­ance of a hid­den cis­tern toi­let, can make your customer’s bath­rooms stand out from the com­pe­ti­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, the space-sav­ing design and water effi­cien­cy fea­tures are attrac­tive to buy­ers who are con­scious of envi­ron­men­tal impact and util­i­ty costs.

Cus­tomer Demand and Expectations

Cus­tomer demand for con­cealed cis­terns is on the rise, dri­ven by the desire for mod­ern and effi­cient bath­room solu­tions. Home­own­ers expect these cis­terns to be reli­able, easy to install, and main­tain, while pro­vid­ing high per­for­mance. They also look for fea­tures like water effi­cien­cy and noise reduc­tion. To meet these expec­ta­tions, man­u­fac­tur­ers are con­tin­u­al­ly inno­vat­ing, offer­ing dual flush options, advanced mate­ri­als, and sleek designs. Our cus­tomer ser­vice team is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing expert advice and sup­port, ensur­ing cus­tomers find the per­fect con­cealed cis­tern for their needs.

A Green­er Solution

Designed with water effi­cien­cy in mind, con­cealed cis­terns typ­i­cal­ly fea­ture dual flush sys­tems, allow­ing your cus­tomers to choose between a full flush or a reduced flush, depend­ing on their needs. A pneu­mat­ic flush valve helps to reduce water con­sump­tion even fur­ther. This can dras­ti­cal­ly reduce water con­sump­tion, result­ing in low­er water bills and a more eco-friend­ly bath­room. By choos­ing a con­cealed toi­let cis­tern with an adjustable flush vol­ume, any bath­room can alter it’s water usage to suit the needs and require­ments of local water regulations.

The Rop­er Rhodes Trade Solu­tions Con­cealed Cis­tern Collection

At Rop­er Rhodes, we offer a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent con­cealed cis­terns. Ensur­ing you always have the equip­ment you need to install, in any bath­room set up. Our lead­ing Tor­rent Cis­tern, has now been installed in over 650,000 homes. Our most ver­sa­tile cis­tern, the Tor­rent is WRAS approved and comes ful­ly equipped with a 5 year guar­an­tee, pneu­mat­ic flush valve, air gap tech­nol­o­gy and a chrome flush button.

Our entire cis­tern col­lec­tion is water sav­ing due to an adjustable dual flush (6/​3litres) pro­vid­ing the option of flush­ing more effi­cient­ly. All are also test­ed in accor­dance with British & Euro­pean stan­dards, mean­ing the cis­terns have passed a 200,000 cycle endurance test and are sub­ject to a per­for­mance test pri­or to pack­ag­ing to give you total con­fi­dence in our products.

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