Roper Rhodes Retail
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Have a query? Check our FAQ's for answers to some of our most commonly asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Rop­er Rhodes Trade Solu­tions has been specif­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed from the ground up with the installer in mind. Our Trade Solu­tions prod­uct range can be pur­chased via our net­work of trust­ed mer­chant coun­ters, as opposed to our con­sumer ori­en­tat­ed Rop­er Rhodes brand whose prod­ucts will be found through­put our net­work of show­room customers.

A: Our prod­ucts can be found nation­wide across our ded­i­cat­ed cus­tomer base of both Inde­pen­dent & Nation­al Mer­chants. Vis­it our ded­i­cat­ed stock­ist find­er pages on our web­site to find your clos­est outlet.

A: All our prod­ucts are researched, fine tuned and test­ed with third par­ty organ­i­sa­tions before they come to mar­ket. It’s through this rig­or­ous test­ing process, we are able to offer 5 or 10 year guar­an­tees on most of our products.

A: The Trade Solu­tions Break­fast Road­show aims to be the ulti­mate installer break­fast morn­ing event. Fea­tur­ing both darts & foot­ball chal­lenges, we give our com­mu­ni­ty of installers the chance to walk away with free prod­uct every event! New dates are released every Fri­day on our Insta­gram, @roperrhodestrade.

A: If you have a query in rela­tion to your Rop­er Rhodes Trade Solu­tions prod­uct, please con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vices team on +44 (0) 1225 303 900 or email us at info@​roperrhodes.​co.​uk.

A: Our phone lines are open Mon­day to Thurs­day: 8:00am – 5:30pm and Fri­day 8:00am – 5:00pm.

A: Tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and fit­ting instruc­tions for all Trade Solu­tions prod­ucts can be found on their indi­vid­ual prod­uct pages under the spec­i­fi­ca­tions tab. How­ev­er, if you find your ques­tion hasn’t been answered by this infor­ma­tion then please con­tact a mem­ber of our cus­tomer ser­vice team who will be hap­py to assist with your request. +44 (0) 1225 303 900.

A: Should you find that you require any spare parts for your Trade Solu­tions prod­ucts, please con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vice team who will be hap­py to help. We car­ry exten­sive stock and are nor­mal­ly able to dis­patch spare parts with­in 24 hours of your request.

A: Our brochure is avail­able to view in a vari­ety of for­mats. You can view it online through it’s spe­cif­ic page allo­cat­ed on our Trade Solu­tions web­site where you can also down­load a PDF copy. Or please con­tact our cus­tomer ser­vice team to request a phys­i­cal copy. +44 (0) 1225 303 900.

A: Cur­rent­ly our col­lec­tion is made up of over 300+ prod­ucts from 10 dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories com­pris­ing of Con­cealed Cis­terns, Wall Hung WC Frames, Flush­ing, Show­ers, Taps, Toi­let Seats, San­i­tary­ware, Bath Pan­els, Bath­room Fur­ni­ture & Bath­room Acces­sories. All prod­ucts are designed by our team of spe­cial­ists here in the UK exclu­sive­ly for British & Irish bathrooms.

A: Rop­er Rhodes Trade Solu­tions was found­ed and remains to this day in Bath, England.

A: Yes, we’re pleased to state the com­po­nents with­in our entire Trade Solu­tions cis­tern range are ful­ly WRAS approved to offer ulti­mate peace of mind.

A: All our cis­terns are test­ed in accor­dance with British & Euro­pean stan­dards, mean­ing the cis­terns have passed a 200,000 cycle endurance test and are sub­ject to a per­for­mance test pri­or to pack­ing to give our com­mu­ni­ty of installers total con­fi­dence in our product.

A: Due to our rig­or­ous test­ing prac­tices across our entire cis­tern range, we are able to offer a lengthy five year guar­an­tee on all our Trade Solu­tions cisterns.

A: All our Wall Hung WC frames are designed and test­ed to 400KG to offer ulti­mate strength, sta­bil­i­ty & longevity.

A: Our entire Trade Solu­tions Frame col­lec­tion comes com­plete with a lengthy 10 year guar­an­tee for the WC frame com­po­nents and a 5 year guar­an­tee for the accom­pa­ny­ing con­cealed cistern.

A: Yes, we’re hap­py to say due to our rig­or­ous test­ing prac­tices across our entire brass­ware range, we are able to offer a lengthy ten year guar­an­tee on all our Trade Solu­tions show­ers and taps that extends to the car­tridge as well.

A: Com­fort height WCs sit sev­er­al cm taller than stan­dard WCs, mak­ing them ide­al for taller, less able or elder­ly users. The extra height of the WC helps keep the knees at a more com­fort­able angle.

A: Secure Fix is our unique adjustable hinge tech­nol­o­gy that sim­pli­fies the instal­la­tion process of quick release seats and keeps the seat firm­ly in place at all times.