Roper Rhodes Achieves Environmental Product Declaration

Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are becoming increasingly essential for professionals in the plumbing and installation industries.

They pro­vide clear, ver­i­fied infor­ma­tion on a pro­duc­t’s envi­ron­men­tal impact across its life­cy­cle — from raw mate­r­i­al sourc­ing to dis­pos­al. For bath­room installers, EPDs are a mark of qual­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty that are now expect­ed in many mod­ern projects.

Our Merid­i­an Iso­core Bath Pan­els have now achieved EPD cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, meet­ing both eco-con­scious stan­dards and the prac­ti­cal needs of plumbers and installers. Made from inno­v­a­tive Iso­core mate­r­i­al, these pan­els are engi­neered to with­stand even the tough­est bath­room envi­ron­ments. Unlike tra­di­tion­al MDF or chip­board pan­els, Iso­core pan­els are ful­ly water­proof, offer­ing excel­lent resis­tance to mois­ture and pre­vent­ing mould or fun­gi growth — cru­cial for bath­room spaces.

Trade Solutions EPD for Meridian Bath Panels slide image

An Envi­ron­men­tal Prod­uct Dec­la­ra­tion (EPD) is a doc­u­ment that explains the envi­ron­men­tal impact of a prod­uct through­out its life­cy­cle, from the extrac­tion of raw mate­ri­als to its dis­pos­al. It mea­sures things like ener­gy use, car­bon emis­sions, and waste. EPDs are ver­i­fied by third par­ties and help pro­fes­sion­als choose sus­tain­able mate­ri­als for con­struc­tion and installations.

  • 100% Water­proof: Ful­ly water­proof Iso­core mate­r­i­al ensures no degra­da­tion even with con­tin­u­ous mois­ture exposure

  • Anti-Mould: Iso­core offers supe­ri­or pro­tec­tion against mould and fun­gi growth.

  • Easy and Quick Instal­la­tion: Instal­la­tion is straight­for­ward, requir­ing no full seal­ing or re-seal­ing after cut­ting, sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing instal­la­tion time.

  • Light­weight Design: Iso­core is 30% lighter than MDF, with a den­si­ty of 535 kg/​m³ com­pared to MDF’s 700 kg/​m³, sim­pli­fy­ing trans­port and handling.

  • Non-Tox­ic and Safe: Com­pli­ant with REACH stan­dards, con­tain­ing no SVHC sub­stances, and safe to cut using stan­dard wood­work­ing tools.

  • Fire Resis­tant: Achieves a Class C fire rat­ing accord­ing to EN 13501 – 1:2007+A1:2009, offer­ing enhanced fire resis­tance com­pared to stan­dard MDF panels.

The Merid­i­an Iso­core Bath Pan­els are designed for easy, quick instal­la­tion. One of the biggest advan­tages is that no addi­tion­al seal­ing is required after cut­ting, which not only saves time but also sim­pli­fies the instal­la­tion process. Addi­tion­al­ly, at 30% lighter than MDF, these pan­els are eas­i­er to han­dle, trans­port, and fit, which is a clear ben­e­fit when work­ing in tight spaces or on larg­er projects.

Beyond the prac­ti­cal aspects, the Iso­core pan­els are also fire-resis­tant, achiev­ing a Class C fire rat­ing, and are non-tox­ic, com­ply­ing with strin­gent REACH stan­dards. This ensures that the mate­r­i­al is safe to work with, using stan­dard tools with­out any spe­cialised equip­ment need­ed. The pan­els are durable, high-per­for­mance, and sus­tain­able, meet­ing the ris­ing demand for envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble products.

For plumbers and installers work­ing on bath­room refur­bish­ments or new builds, these pan­els offer an advanced alter­na­tive to tra­di­tion­al options. Whether you’re con­cerned about qual­i­ty, ease of instal­la­tion, or meet­ing eco-stan­dards, the Merid­i­an Iso­core Bath Pan­els are an ide­al choice.

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