Roper Rhodes Retail
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Win £500 RRP worth of Trade Solutions products of your choice!

Entry Requirements

1. Fol­low — @roperrhodestrade on Instagram

2. Sign up to the Rop­er Rhodes Trade Solu­tions Installer Data­base below:

Entrants for this competition must be over the age of 18 years old.
The winner of this competition will be chosen and contacted by phone or email. Please select your preferred method below.
Opt-in to hear from us
Terms & Conditions Apply
  • Entry peri­od ends at 23:59pm on 25/11/2024 (Win­ner to be con­tact­ed by Andy Cam @i_love_plumbing with­in 7 work­ing days.)
  • Rop­er Rhodes will cor­re­spond with the win­ner to acquire the win­ner’s cho­sen prod­ucts totalling the val­ue of £500 RRP.
  • No pur­chase is nec­es­sary to enter this giveaway.
  • This give­away is in no way spon­sored, endorsed, admin­is­tered by or asso­ci­at­ed with Meta.
  • The win­ner will receive:
  • £500 RRP worth of Rop­er Rhodes Trade Solu­tions prod­ucts of their choice. This prize is only redeemable direct­ly via Rop­er Rhodes Ltd. Prod­uct choice and deliv­ery will be coor­di­nat­ed via a Rop­er Rhodes rep­re­sen­ta­tive. The prize is as stat­ed, and no cash or oth­er alter­na­tives will be offered. The prizes are not trans­fer­able. Prizes are sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty, and we reserve the right to sub­sti­tute any prize with anoth­er of equiv­a­lent val­ue. Rop­er Rhodes will arrange and cov­er the cost of deliv­ery of their prod­ucts to the win­ner with­in the UK main­land only. Please note that instal­la­tion of the cho­sen prod­ucts will not be arranged by Rop­er Rhodes, and the cost of instal­la­tion of the cho­sen prod­ucts is not includ­ed in the prize.
  • The com­pe­ti­tion is open to res­i­dents of the main­land Unit­ed King­dom aged 18 years or over, except:
  • Employ­ees of Rop­er Rhodes Group
  • Rop­er Rhodes suppliers
  • Any­one oth­er­wise con­nect­ed with the organ­i­sa­tion or judg­ing of the competition.
  • By enter­ing this com­pe­ti­tion, an entrant is indi­cat­ing their agree­ment to be bound by these terms and conditions.
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